
Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Ljen - Bromo Trip

This author took out the jacket after day break walking down the slope but still keep the  gas mask  on
Mt Batok adjacent to the Bromo Mountain

Ijen lake - early morning with grainy image

Where else could you see such a magnificent gatherings of deeply furrowed conical volcanoes and the opportunity to walk the rim of and peek into the Bromo centre bellowing white smoke.

Bromo Elevation Plot ( above) versus Ijen (below) Volcanoes Elevation.

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Java here i come.

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Trolley for carrying sulfur block mine here

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 The crowd all looking for the elusive blue fire in spilling suffocating sulfur fumes.

Blue Fire from burning sulfur
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Pure sulfur solidified in the cool air after mined. 
WE came here in the dark just to view the BLUE fire of burning sulfur and the green lake. 

Molten sulfur was scooped out from the sprouting fumes and it immediately solidify in the cold air into candle wax like solid.

BROMO - penajakan view point > Bromo's crater ( pony ride, steps, quadcop)

This extra peak from the 22 km mark is the Penajakan view point where we watch the sunrise. The 4WD transversed the flat white sands from left to right going to the view point and after sun set return.  We took the pony ride till near the steps. 

The mist adds another dimension of this morning scene not long after we endure the smelly sulfuric fumes after watching the Blue Flame near pitch dark.
The path down

Mt Batok (2470m) with deep furrowed slopes

The dirt road and the branches frame the Mt Batok in the background
Stars are still shinning in the east in this hand held shot.

Viewed from Mount Penajakan ( 2770 metre ) for the sun rise over Bromo

A  puff  in the distance from Semeru

Mostly European visitors up the Penajakan view point above. Mount Batok in the foreground with partially hidden large crater . of Bromo on its left. Mt Semeru in the distance. Another view when the sun climbs higher below.

The crowd in the view point.

 Warming over fire  after the sun-rise watch

I ask for permission to shoot..

On horse back 

Take the steps to the rim of the Bromo Crater.

Locate the flying quadcopt can you?

The large crater of Bromo with acid smoke.

Give you a sense of size comparison.

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I saw  one fotographer and two trailing three volcano cones 

 ** MISC **

We passed a long stretch of forest which resembled Africa savanna on the way to Ijen volcano. Too bad i have to shot from the moving vehicle in this two way narrow lane mountainous road.  One the other occasion saw a pick up with loaded with goats, fruit stalls selling ripe mango. The red one caught my attention as i have never seen a red fresh mango. While the shot in Bromo entrance with health warning for those coming here. People with asthma,  heart problem and HBP are advised  not to attempt Bromo. Onion field next to the hotel we were staying and a street corner Mosque, Batu tiny apples and one of our dinner - deep fried fresh water fish and quite tasteful chicken sum up this misc fotos input.